Specialized Birding, Nature and Wildlife Photography Tours.

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Suggested tours

Tierra del Fuego
National Park


Tierra del Fuego National Park offers a variety of environments, making it ideal for a full day of exploration.

Trails wind through dense Southern Beech Forest, home to the impressive Magellanic Woodpecker, White-throated Treerunner, and delightful Thorn-tailed Rayadito.

The park's rivers and lakes offer excellent opportunities to spot various waterfowls, including the Spectacled Duck, Great Grebe, and Flying Steamer-Duck.

Throughout the day, we'll keep watch for the majestic Andean Condor soaring overhead.

Andes Range
trekking & birding


Experience the majestic High Andes on this excursion.

We'll depart from town, heading towards the Andes with opportunities for birding en route.

Once above the timberline, after a couple of miles of walking up-hill, we'll search for Andean specialties such as the Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant, Ochre-napped Ground-Tyrant, Rufous-chested Dotterel, White-throated Caracara, and the beautiful Yellow-bridled Finch.

We'll also look for the rare White-bellied Seed-snipe. Andean Condors are frequently spotted in this area.

Birding on your own? Contact us for a free Checklist of Ushuaia's Birds. ☑☑☑

Ushuaia City
coast & forest


The city's surroundings offer great flexibility for birdwatchers and photographers alike.

Coastal spots provide excellent opportunities to observe and photograph species such as Kelp Goose, Ashy-headed Goose, Flying and Flightless Steamer-Duck, Magellanic and Blackish Oystercatchers, and Dolphin Gull.

Nearby forest trails offer chances to spot Austral Blackbird, White-crested Elaenia, Austral Negrito, and Long-tailed Meadowlark. Additionally, the Bahia Encerrada Urban Reserve is worth visiting, as it's a breeding ground for the Magellanic Snipe.

Beagle Channel's
penguin colony


This excursion offers an excellent opportunity to observe wildlife colonies on islands.

During the sail, you can spot various seabirds such as Black-browed Albatross, Southern Giant-Petrel, Southern Fulmar, and South American Tern.

On the islands, we'll focus on Magellanic and Imperial Cormorants, Flightless Steamer Ducks, Magellanic Oystercatchers, Snowy Sheathbills, and Chilean Skuas, with a good chance of seeing Blackish Cinclodes.

Martillo Island provides excellent views of Magellanic and Gentoo Penguins, with occasional sightings of King Penguins.

Río Grande, Northern Tierra del Fuego

1-2 DAYS

We depart Ushuaia, driving northwards and crossing the snow-capped Andes, which provides breathtaking views.

At Rio Grande, we'll explore northern grasslands and lagoons for diverse birdlife. Species we may encounter include Magellanic Plover, Rufous-chested Dotterel, Ruddy-headed Goose, Austral Canastero, Chilean Flamingo, Chocolate-vented Tyrant, Short-billed Miner, Cinnamon-bellied Ground Tyrant, Tawny-throated Dotterel, Two-banded Plover, and Least Seedsnipe.

Depending on the tides, we'll also spend time along the Atlantic coast, where various shorebirds can be observed.

Penguin colony &
Harberton area


This excursion offers a diverse combination of environments: forest, grassland, sea coast, and islands.

Departing from Ushuaia, we'll have excellent opportunities to spot forest birds, including the Fire-eyed Diucon and Austral Parakeet.

Along the Beagle Channel, we'll observe emblematic coastal species such as the Kelp Goose and Flightless Steamer-Duck.

At Harberton Ranch, we'll board a zodiac to visit the penguin colony on Martillo Island on foot. This site provides great close-up views of Magellanic and Gentoo Penguins, as well as other birds like the Chilean Skua.

Meet the guide, Esteban Daniels

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Esteban Daniels is the founder of Birding Ushuaia, a tour company based in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Born and raised on a local sheep farm, Esteban developed an early appreciation for the region's natural beauty.

After earning a degree in Tourism, Esteban began working as a tour guide, focusing on birdwatching and nature photography. His familiarity with Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia comes from years of personal exploration and professional experience.

Esteban lives in Ushuaia with his wife Susana and son Juan, sharing their love for outdoor activities like trekking, camping, and skiing. When not working, he enjoys landscape photography and spending time in nature with his family.

Committed to conservation, Esteban contributed to the establishment of Ushuaia's first urban reserve. This 35-hectare area serves as a habitat for local wildlife and a resource for environmental education. As a member of the local birdwatching club, he used to guide student groups through the reserve.

At Birding Ushuaia, Esteban works alongside other guides who share his interest in nature. Together, they strive to provide meaningful experiences for visitors while supporting conservation efforts and sustainable tourism in the region.